vineri, 30 noiembrie 2012

Sneak Peek Craciun!

Polo ne zice de un nou Sneak Peek wow si vedem si Coins for Change care va aparea la petrecere ca de obicei si un nou emoticon Cookie  ! Ne spune despre cateva zile pana la Craciun si in fiecare an 1 milion de dolari ajuta milioane de persoane:

Hello Penguins!

Only a few days let until December... Which means it’s almost time for our annual Coins For Change event!

Every year the Club Penguin community helps us decide how we divide up a significant donation to worthy causes around the world. For this year's Coins For Change, we're giving $1 million USD!

There will be three different causes to choose from:
  • Provide Medical Help
  • Protect the Earth
  • Build Safe Places

Tell us which cause you're most passionate about by leaving a comment. We love hearing from you!

Waddle On!

-Club Penguin Team 
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